The Oxbow School Adult Workshop

The Oxbow School Adult Workshop

Duration: Summer 2024 (Sunday, June 9 - Sunday, June 16, 2024)



Ages: 21+

Capacity: 21 participants. This is a special program with limited capacity; please complete your registration ASAP.

Cost: Summer 2024 program fees, including room & 伙食费,所有用品,指导费,以及更多的费用是3000美元,为期一周. Participants who register before MARCH 15TH will receive a discount, bringing the total for the 1-week program to $2,500.

Registration Process: Interested participants should complete the registration form here and select the courses they would like to take during their week at Oxbow. Each course must have a minimum of 5 registrations to run. Once the registration form is received, your spot is secured! 我们将在4月15日注册结束后跟进付款指示和进一步的细节.

Questions? Email!


DATE: Sunday, June 9 - Sunday, June 16, 2024

LOCATION: The Oxbow School, Napa, CA

CHECK-IN: 12pm - 4pm (Welcome wine reception at 4pm in 643 garden)

FINAL SHOW + CRITIQUE: Saturday evening, 6-7pm, followed by dinner in town

CHECK-OUT: Sunday, June 9th by 12pm (Grab and go breakfast available)

FEES: $ 3000(含早餐、午餐、酒会、材料、带共用浴室的私人宿舍. Early discount (before March 15th) is $2500. Please note: 所有的净收入都将直接捐给奖学金基金,用于资助有经济需要的年轻艺术家参加皇冠平台的学期项目.

COURSE CAPACITY: 每个课程最少5人(最多10人)

Professional development credit available for teachers!

Course Descriptions

Painting in Oil. Learn to oil paint or hone oil painting techniques. 参与者学习拉伸和石膏一个24“X 24”的画布来创建一幅画(例如, the artist may consider painting a self-portrait portrait, either from a photograph of their own choosing or from life). To inform and inspire the painting, 参与者将学习艺术史和当代艺术中的各种油画作品.

Printmaking. 参加版画课程的学生有机会学习版画制作中的各种技术, such as: monotype, monoprint, chine-colle, transfer, and linocut. 参与者合作选择他们想要学习的技术. There are opportunities for both individual and collaborative work. Group walks and on-site drawing occur throughout the course.

Observational Drawing and Painting in Nature. We’re connected to the ecosystem all of the time. 观察性绘画有哪些方法可以让我们更深入地了解这种意识? 本课程将主要在校园外的当地公园和自然保护区进行. Some moderate walking and hiking will be involved in each class; appropriate footwear is suggested. Open to all skill levels, we will make plein air works primarily in pencil, watercolor and pastel with on-site demos. This course will dive into formal considerations, such as composition, light and color, 除了我们观察景观的行为的概念考虑, prompted by readings and group discussions.

Darkroom Photography. In darkroom photography, 参与者将熟悉电影和模拟摄影的基础知识. Working with 35mm black and white film, students will shoot, process, and print or digitally scan their final product. Once they master the basics of working in the darkroom, 参与者将有机会使用120mm或其他光敏材料进行创作. 可选择的过程研讨会通常包含其他技术, such as cyanotypes or solar printing. This course is an intensive study of light, composition, 和实验,并为参与者提供个人工作和小组合作的机会.

Social Practice. This class will delve into relational and socially engaged art. Through a series of performative experiments, collaborative activities, 而简短的提示,参与者将获得的技术剧目,以促进自己的讲习班, interactive experiences, and gatherings.

Animation. This class is an introduction to a breadth of animation techniques; tutorials will be led in hand-drawn animation, stop motion animation, and digital animation. Through short film screenings, 学生将学习动画的历史和当代艺术家的流派. After an introduction to the various animation techniques, 参与者将专注于一种动画技术或结合技术制作一个动画短片.

Creative Nonfiction. This writing workshop is designed for writers and educators. The course centers on the genre of “creative nonfiction.创造性的非虚构作品从现实生活中汲取题材,强调讲故事, form, and voice over veracity. 通过对这一类型的探索,参与者会问自己以下问题: What are my stories? How can I tell them? How can personal narrative address matters of universal import? By sampling a range of texts, 作家们开始理解个人经历影响文学作品的无数方式. Participants engage with these texts through discussion. The course emphasizes collaboration, conversation, and critical thinking as much as dedicated time to simply write. 作家们从自己的生活中汲取灵感,创作了一系列散文和诗歌作品. At the end of the workshop, 作家将选择一个创造性的作品扩展和修改成一个完善的最终产品.

Residential Living

所有参与者在暑期项目期间都住在公寓式宿舍套房. Each dormitory suite includes three bedrooms, a common area, two bathrooms, a mini refrigerator, a microwave, and a washer/dryer combination. 参加者将住在自己的房间,除非他们在注册过程中指定室友. In addition to the communal living experience, 我们致力于为所有艺术家培养健康和活跃的体验. To this end, summer participants enjoy breakfast, lunch, 校园里有一个轻松的招待会,厨师们会提供最优质的当地食物, seasonal, and sustainable foods that guests rave about for years. Physical wellness opportunities include: hiking, kayaking, and yoga.

Daily Schedule

Daily Schedule, Monday-Saturday

  • 8:00am Morning walk (optional)
  • 9:00am Light breakfast
  • 9:30am Directed studio time
  • 12:30pm Lunch
  • 1:30pm Directed studio time
  • 4:00pm Wine reception
  • 5:00pm+ Dinner on your own
  • 7:00pm+ Open Studios for independent work